Monday, August 3, 2009

New Digs

I've been away. Did you miss me much?

I moved out of the apartment complex I've been in for the past 11 years on Friday. (I've lived there for 11 years, which is longer than I've lived anywhere, ever, so there must have been some things I liked about it, but the last few years, under new management, did not inspire loyalty ... for one, my longevity there was basically just getting me higher rent payments for the same floor design as people paying $60-$70 less per month, and they were at least getting a freshly painted and carpeted apartment.)

I'm now at 318 Clark, the less trendy section of the trendier part of Durham. It's a small two-bedroom duplex, built in the 1950s (when I, too, was built), smaller even than my one-bedroom apartment at the complex. The bathroom is about a quarter of the size of the bathroom I had at the complex, a regrettable result of downsizing. My current rent is $70 less than my monthly rent at the complex, though.

I'm trying to save one of the bedrooms as an "empty space" for when I'm feeling especially "zen" ... or absurd. It's the sort of space I've always dreamed of having someday, so we'll see how much I enjoy it in reality. At least it's someplace where I'm not in danger of breaking anything. The long hallway, however, I've crammed with shelves of books, hundreds and hundreds of books (and DVDs).

I've exhausted myself unpacking over the weekend, so now I feel like I'm recovering from major surgery. Still, I like the new place so far. Three nights here so far ...

The snapshots were taken with my iPhone.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Joe! Love it:) I like the light coming through the windows, it all feels very warm and calm.



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