What bothers me more is seeing a growing number of these symptoms in myself. What symptoms, you ask?
- Speaking as if one expects to be quoted later, preferably with an affected accent
- Enumerating the things one would have to dragged into doing
- Turning conversations to the subject of one's aches and pains
- Granting others permission, with magnanimous tolerance, to do things one would never do oneself
- Calling anybody (other than oneself) "oversexed"
- Using "one" as a pronoun, instead of "I," "we," or "you"
- Sitting, excessively, preferably in something overstuffed
- Favoring absolute adverbs: "never," "always," "definitely," "absolutely"
- Criticizing other people's tastes (in fashion, entertainment, travel destinations, etc.)
- Being oh so bored with the topic of sex (or any topic, for that matter)
- Having other plans for the evening, but always ambiguous ones
- Liking nothing more than a good walk
- Complaining about all the noise and smoke in public places
- Asking rhetorically, "When did people become so ...?"
- Making a point of taking others down a notch or two
- Saying, with a great deal of studied nonchalance, "I suppose I've just outgrown __________"
- Saying "suppose"
- Wincing at other people's remarks and observations
- Insisting on a good night's sleep
- Knowing the exact boundaries of what is likely to be funny or not
More than ten, consider the possibility that your personality is flatlining.
I suppose I am in trouble